♥ Thursday, October 20, 2011 @ 2:09:00 PM
I was lonely for four months
Four months of suffering the pain
I thought its the end of my life
But who the hell is he?
There's so many fish in the sea.
You came, on my lonely days
We've been friends for a month
That would make me fall in love with you
But why suddenly you want to go?
Am i not good to satisfy your needs
That you chose her, instead of me.
When you said goodbye
I felt the angel's cry
I couldn't prepare myself for this fall
True love's a gift
but you let it drift.
Com'on babe, can all love be revieve
Bring it back, so we can make it right
We were so good together
How come you said goodbye.
Think i should moved on
Spread my wings
Fly away from your shadow.
But why suddenly you came back?
17 months exactly.
Should i grab the chance?
Yes, i already did
And now we're together
I will never let you go.
I promise to love you forever, every single day of Forever ♡