My Birthday
♥ Wednesday, September 28, 2011 @ 9:11:00 AM
FYeah. My birthday sucks! No celebration. No cake. No lights. No ~~~~~~~~ :((
I cried almost 4 hours. Jeez..
I woke up, 5 in the morning. Knowing if our class is cancelled. OhYeah! Back to sleep after the news. I woke up 8 in the morning, ohh jeez. The winds are getting wild and the rain is getting heavier. My mom told me that i am not allowed to go out. NOT ALLOWED TO GO OUT? BUT ITS MY BIRTHDAY :((
Tear falls down. Hhu. Its all my fault. I wished that there will be no class on my birthday but i didn't wish to have a worst day ever. ohhhh~ still no lights when i woke up. What the hell is happening? Hhu.
I slept and slept and slept! Still no lights. My birthday passed -- still no lights.
Ohh. i didn't enjoy my birthday. I wish something will happen today.