I Had a Dream
♥ Thursday, March 31, 2011 @ 11:14:00 AM
Last last night i had a weird. We were on the concert hall -- i can see two screens. I wonder whats happening. I thought its a concert of Super Junior cause im with my sister and my friend. But when i go to the toilet. I heard girls saying the name of Justin Bieber. I said "hey! what im doing here? i have no tickets and why would i watch his concert". And then there he comes. And i was shocked when he's looking at me. Its like he knows me and trying to say something. And then he smiled. I said to him -- "Get the notebook J!".
I don't know why i said that. Many fans want his notebook. Its like a secret diary. He looked at me and like "inaasar niya ko" grrr!. I ran so that i could get the notebook. Its like its mine. Because im over protected. And then he get me. And we ran away. And many fans were get jealous.