♥ Monday, January 31, 2011 @ 12:37:00 PM
I passed! Thanks to those who said GoodLuck to me :)
And to those who Congratulated me *
♥ Monday, January 24, 2011 @ 1:48:00 PM
Na ahh~ its not a jogging or running marathon. Its Baker King marathon!
On the first weekend, all we just do is to watch Baker King's episode on dvd. Its kinda fun but its kinda tiring too! because all day i could only see same faces of the cast.
Until we get to the second to the last episode last night.
I think later on -- tonight we will finish the last episode. I hope the last episode was good!
Go Kim Tak Gu ^.^
♥ Thursday, January 20, 2011 @ 5:20:00 PM
Why so cold today? It makes me sleepy and lazy.
It felt like its June.
Feel the breeze
of the cool air
is it the start of
Rainy season!
I Hate it When
♥ @ 5:18:00 PM
im doing all my chore today
it makes me tired!
- i went to grocery
- i cooked food for our lunch
- i washed our clothes
- i mapped the floor
- i washed Ella
I hate when im strenuous!
Save the Earth
♥ Wednesday, January 19, 2011 @ 3:03:00 PM
NASA reports that by the nxt 10 months, earth gets hotter by 4 degrees from now. Himalayan glaciers are melting at rapid rate. Our climate is changing drastically & it's getting worst.
We must help fight Global Warming by doing the ff steps:
(1)Plant more trees
(2)Don't waste water
(3)Use cloth bag and don't burn plastic.
Please copy & paste this to your wall. Do your share.
♥ @ 2:43:00 PM
F4 in Japan
F4 in Taiwan
F4 in China
F4 in Korea
Mother Theresa
♥ @ 2:17:00 PM
Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God-the rest will be given.
♥ @ 2:01:00 PM
I recently watched news. And i noticed that the contents of the news are the seller of the cars who has been kidnapped and get killed by the buyer or we should call them car nappers.
It says that -- the killer is a gay and their modus is to buy a new car and they will test drive it. The seller of the car will association to the buyer. And they will kidnapped it and they will kill the poor seller.
Their ways to kill the victim:
first, they will shoot the victim to the head using 9mm pistol
second, they will thrown the body to far far away
third, they will burn the body
forth, they will stole the car
How unfortunate they are. They're just selling cars to earn money and help their family and themselves and just like that, they were killed by the evil gang.
That's Love
♥ Tuesday, January 18, 2011 @ 5:06:00 PM
What is love?
Love is when one person knows all of your secrets, your deepest, darkest, most dreadful secrets of which no one else in the world knows and yet in the end, that one person does not think any less of you; even if the rest of the world does.
That's Life
♥ @ 5:05:00 PM
Go ahead, text him first, he might be checking his phone, waiting for you. Stare into the eyes of the guy you like. Memorize the color. turn on your ipod and run as far as you can. Say hi to a stranger. You never know what they’ll become for you. Have a mental health day – you know you need it. Don’t go on facebook for a day and see what you can accomplish. Give money to a charity, your good karma will come around eventually. Sneak out, you might get caught, but it’ll be 100% worth it. Tell that one person that you like them, what’s the worst that can happen? he doesn’t like you back? Then he doesn’t deserve you anyways, right? Treat yourself to something indulgent, you deserve it. Smile at a stranger, it could make their day. Wink, it’s sexy and makes you feel confident, after all, you are pretty hot ;). go for somebody who is totally wrong for you, they may not be totally wrong after all. Stand up for yourself, because if you don’t, who will. Moral of the story is
♥ Monday, January 17, 2011 @ 10:50:00 AM
I am so happy that day because its my mother's birthday. I was the first one who greeted her. At exactly 12 midnight. That day, i go outside to see my friend Mae. And go to UST to fetch my brother. I was 1 hour late but thank God! he's not mad. At our house we ate our lunch, its was my favorite -- Sinigang. Ella get shocked when she saw my brother Kevin because its been a year since she last saw him and she's not that familiar with his face now. But luckily, after awhile i saw them bonding while playing her favorite game on psp. And after that i washed like a mountain dirty plates. It makes me tired but its ok! And then my bestfriend Faith and tito Mike came. Im glad that she came because i really miss her! and for that, i can use her phone to take some pictures.
My favorite part was Eating Time :)
New Zodiac Sign for 2011
♥ @ 10:14:00 AM
According to astrologial principles, the Sun travels from the constellation Scorpius and goes directly into the sign of Sagittarius, but due to the constant motion of the cosmos, the Sun enters, for a few days of the year, the star constellation 'Ophiuchus' before entering Sagittarius from Scorpius, thus creating astrologically the birth of a thirteenth sign of the Zodiac, which is named as Ophiuchus the Serpent Holder.
The constellation of Ophiuchus is the only sign of the Zodiac which is linked to a real man. This man lived in ancient Egypt around the 27th century BC, and his name was Imhotep. The attributes of Imhotep can also be found in the Biblical Hebrew man Joseph, son of Jacob.. Imhotep is credited with many accomplishments including the knowledge and use of medicine. It is said of Imhotep that he brought the art of healing to mankind.The symbol of a serpent, which is still widely used today to represent the medical profession, was used to represent Imhotep. Imhotep was also known as 'Aesclepius' to the ancient Greeks
• interpreter of dreams, premonitions
• attracts good luck
• serpent holder
• lofty ideals
• a seeker of peace and harmony
• doctor of medicine or science
• to add, increase, join or gather together
• poetical, inventive nature, expanding
• seeks higher education
• overseer, supervisor of work
• fame - either grand or completely misunderstood
• longevity, aspirations of healing the ills of man
• architect, builder, reaches for the stars
• tax assessor or levys taxes
• astrological talents, intuitive
• large family indicated, but apt to be separated from them when young
• the number twelve holds great significance
• foresight to benefit from hard times
• has secret enemies in family or close associations
• many jealous of this subject
• notable father, apple of father's eye when young
• high position in life expected [depending on aspects] highest fame and legend comes after death however
• feelings of granular, wise,
• likes to wear clothing of vibrant colors
• receives the favor of those in charge
Ophiuchus in the Planetary Zodiac:
The planet Pluto was found in Ophiuchus until the end of 2003, after which it passed into Serpens Cauda, the Serpent's Tail. The Centaur object, the minor planetoid Chiron, was visible against the stars of Ophiuchus until November 2001, after which it passed over the border into Sagittarius. Venus and Mercury can be found in Ophiuchus for a time each year.
The New Zodiac:
A Guy Loves You When
♥ Friday, January 14, 2011 @ 7:21:00 PM
He sincerely looks at you
Whisper words that'll make you smile
Be with you
Do silly things with you
Hold your hand
Open the door for you
Drive you around
Wait for you and not complain
Share clothes with you
Play with you
Carry you
Dance under the rain with you
Protect you
Accept your flaws and see every beauty in you
Appreciate you
Understands you
Respect you
Support you
♥ @ 7:13:00 PM
Each of us represents a star in heaven,
Sometimes we shine with the rest,
Sometimes we twinkle alone,
And sometimes when we least expect it,
we make someone's dream come true.
Ice Cream
♥ @ 7:08:00 PM
Proven and Tested;
The best cure for emotional pain is
7 Secrets of Success.
♥ @ 6:55:00 PM
I found the answer in my room
- ROOF SAID: aim high.
- FAN SAID: be cool.
- CLOCK SAID: every minute is precious.
- MIRROR SAID: reflect before you act.
- WINDOW SAID: see the world.
- CALENDAR SAID: be up to date.
- DOOR SAID: push hard to achieve your goals.
Plan for Tomorrow
♥ @ 6:41:00 PM
- wake up early and pray
- kiss Momma and greet her a Happy Birthday
- eat my breakfast
- take a 45 minutes shower
- go outside and feel the breeze of the air
- go to the nearest BDO bank to deposit
- go to UST to fetch my brother
- got back to San Mateo to celebrate and eat more and more >.<
It Happened Yesterday
♥ @ 6:33:00 PM
I had so much fun yesterday with Alyanna. We watched Perfect Match. We talked about our life when we were on High School. Play with my niece Ella and ate ice cream. I wish it would happen again. But not only with Alyanna but with all my High School friends.
I Salute You
♥ Friday, January 7, 2011 @ 8:41:00 AM
I salute those Doctors, Nurses, and Firemen who worked hard and not left their work in welcoming the new year. I Thank You!
Police could be a Suspect too
♥ @ 8:32:00 AM
As i watch news this past days, I noticed that our police has a bad side too. They're not perfect as what i thought. And that made me upset. The content of the news today is concentrated about the violence of the police. Yes! they're not perfect because they're a person too who made by God, but as of their jobs. They have to become a ROLE MODEL for others and for the children. But what their doing right now is destroying their images. How sad isn't it? But, don't you worry cause not all police are like that. There's still a good side. And doing their job well and keeping a hard work for our community.
Thursday is a Laundry Day
♥ Thursday, January 6, 2011 @ 1:40:00 PM
I bet, today is a tiring day for me. Many works to do.
- blog searching
- finish our laundry
- clean the house
- wash the plates
Selfish Me
♥ Wednesday, January 5, 2011 @ 1:35:00 PM
Me, i'm not a good girl. Cause i'll always want to get what i want. I admit that i'm a selfish. That even my sisters can't take my bad attitude. I don't know why i'm like this. The truth is i have many problems.
Weekend is Fun!
♥ Monday, January 3, 2011 @ 9:48:00 AM
I celebrated a New Year with my Del Prado family. We go to the mall to buy some food. At 11pm on Friday night, we were all excited waiting for 2011. Me, i want to eat but we must wait until 12am to welcome 2011. Many fireworks i see when i'm on the rooftop. Its so amazing to see those lovely and cheerful lights on the sky. So colorful and wonderful. Me and my kuya was so scared and shocked every time we hear that damn PLAPLA. Its sounds like a bomb. When the 12 midnight came we all jump and make some loudly noise and light up our fireworks. And then we eat! As we celebrate the 2011 me and my family sing at the videoke. Competing who will have the higher score. Well, i'm not a good singer but i can sing, I've got a 97. My ate get shocked when i sang Gee. They didn't get the lyrics because the song was too fast and its Korean. Me and my kuya wait till 6 in the morning and finished our food. Then we sleep.
On Sunday morning we're all preparing ourselves cause we're going to Subic. First stop, Pampanga to fetch our ate there. The trip was so exhausting. I slept for a half of hour on the van when we go to Pampanga. Lunch at Pampanga, I saw many Koreans there, i felt like i'm not on the Philippines at that time. I cheer myself when we go to Subic. So that i wouldn't fell asleep. We go to Ocean Adventure and meet so many kind of fish there. And the center of the attention are the Dolphins. They're so cute and lovely! Second are the Sea lion.It was wonderful there, i saw many cute guys there. Many Koreans too. Past 5, we're going back to Manila. And we slept for 2hours on the van. The traffic was so heavy. I felt like i have no energy when i woke up because i'm so hungry! Its 9 pm when we get back to Manila. 10 pm we ate our dinner at Gerry's Grill in Sm North.
Happy 2011
♥ @ 9:29:00 AM
As we all welcome 2011. Many Filipino believes in superstition that we've got when Chinese invade us.
1. Make as much noise as you can to scare away evil spirits.
2. Turn on all lights so that the coming year is bright.
3. Open all doors, windows, cabinets and drawers to let good fortune in.
4. Debts must be paid off. Fill you wallet with fresh peso bills. (Filipinos believe that whatever your financial state is in at the stroke of midnight, so it will be in the new year.)
5. Clean everything.
6. Wear polka-dots. Anything round signifies prosperity.
7. Scatter coins around the house, on tabletops.... inside drawers...
8. Prepare 12 round fruits, one for each month of the coming new year.
9. Have a very round grape in your mouth at the stroke of midnight.
10. Eat a native delicacy made from sticky rice to make good fortune stick in the new year.
11. Eat long noodles (pansit) for long life.
12. Jump twelve times at midnight to increase your height. (Observed by Filipino children.)
13. Don't have chicken or fish. They are associated with the scarcity of food.
14. Don't clean anything! You might sweep away the good fortune that came in on New Year's Eve.
15. Don't spend money at all. Your thriftiness on the first day of the year will augur your money management in the coming year.
Happy Year of the Rabbit